Pressure Reducing Valve Low Pressure vs High Pressure

Jun 12,2024
Pressure Reducing Valve Low Pressure vs High Pressure

I. Basic Principle of Pressure Reducing Valve

Pressure reducing valve is a kind of Control Valve that utilizes mechanical parts such as spring, piston, diaphragm and so on. Its basic principle is to adjust the switch through the internal mechanical structure, control the pressure of the fluid, so as to realize the purpose of pressure reduction.

II. Difference between low-pressure pressure reducing valve and high-pressure pressure reducing valve

1. Working Principle

Low-pressure pressure reducing valve: usually working below 1.6MPa, mainly through the spring and piston and other mechanical structures to adjust the switch to control the pressure.

High-pressure reducing valve: usually work above 1.6MPa, using electricity, gas, liquid three signal control to regulate the flow and pressure.

2. Scope of use

Low-pressure pressure reducing valves: for industrial pipelines, devices in the low-pressure gas and liquid and other media pressure reduction and regulation.

High-pressure pressure reducing valve: it can be used for automatic adjustment of all kinds of high-pressure gases, fluids and other media, with a wider scope of application.

3. specific structure

Low-pressure pressure reducing valve: simple structure, composed of spring, piston, seat, valve, shell and other basic components.

High-pressure pressure reducing valve: need to be designed and manufactured according to different fluids, media, operating temperatures, etc., the specific structure is more complex.

Pressure reducing Valve Low Pressure and High Pressure difference (Figure 1)

Ⅲ, the common low pressure reducing valve and high pressure reducing valve

1. low pressure reducing valve

Pressure regulator: low pressure reducing valve based on gas cushion, the use of spring and piston adjustment switch to control gas pressure.

Pressure reducing valves: used in industrial production lines, test equipment, gas, liquid pressure reduction and flow regulation.

CyLinder: connected to the gas source through the closed pipeline, so that the piston is driven by compressed air and so on.

2. High-pressure pressure reducing valve

Electrically controlled pressure regulator: characterized by high reliability and wide adjustment range, applicable to the adjustment of various high-pressure gases, liquids and other media.

Unattended pressure regulator: used in urban water supply, natural gas, petrochemical and other fields.

Liquid pressure reducing valve: used in large-scale chemical equipment, nuclear power plants and other high-risk environments, the use of integrated electrical, hydraulic, mechanical and other technical means.


The role of the pressure reducing valve is to control the medium pressure and flow by regulating the switch to ensure the normal operation of downstream equipment. Low-pressure pressure reducing valve and high-pressure pressure reducing valve in the working principle, scope of use and structure of the differences, the choice needs to be based on the actual needs of a reasonable choice.

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